47th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference- Introduction

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47th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference

Kharazmi University, 28-31 August, 2016

The Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference has been held since 1970. It is the oldest Iranian scientific gathering which takes place regularly each year at one of the Iranian universities. These conferences are held with the cooperation of the Iranian Mathematical Society, which was established in 1971.

The 10th (1979) and 16th (1985) Annual Iranian Mathematics Conferences were held in Kharazmi University, Tehran, and we are now pleased to organize the 47th conference during 28-31 August, 2016  in Karaj Campus of the Kharazmi University. The conference will provide a forum for mathematicians and PhD students worldwide to present their latest results on all aspects of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, and discuss their recent research and studies with each other.

On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the 47th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC47), we are pleased to invite you to participate in this conference and share your recent researches with other members of the scientific community. Presentations are delivered in English or Farsi.

Kharazmi University has campuses in Tehran and Karaj. The Karaj Campus is about 50 Kilometers west of Tehran.

The guest houses and student dormitories of the university will be available for accommodation of the participants. Additionally, several hotels in Karaj will be reserved for conference participants with some discounts.

Important Dates
Deadline for Registration:  5 August, 2016.
Deadline for Submission of Manuscripts:  20 June, 2016.
Please visit the conference website aimc47.khu.ac.ir/english.html  for more information.

You may also contact the secretariat at:

AIMC47 Secretariat

Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer

Kharazmi University, Iran.

Tel: Tehran +98-21-77507772 / 77630040

        Karaj   +98-26-34569558 / 34510004

E-mail: aimc47@khu.ac.ir

The Main Topics of the Conference Are as Follows:

  • Analysis
  • Algebra
  • Geometry and Topology
  • Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Cryptography
  • Computer Science
  • Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
  • Mathematical Finance
  • Mathematical Logic
  • Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Operations Research, Optimization and Control Theory
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Theory of Wavelets and Frames
  • Applications of Mathematics in Other Fields of Sciences and Engineering

Topic URL in 47th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference website:
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